I have successfully completed Expert Witness training through Bond Solon and Cardiff University Law School consisting of:

  • Civil Law and procedures.
  • Criminal Law and procedures
  • Cross examination.
  • Court room skills.
  • Excellence in report writing.

I have been working as a qualified Educational Psychologist for 19 years.
I hold an enhanced DBS check and am registered with
the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). I am a
Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society.

I offer a range of assessments including:

  • Learning and cognition (e.g. assessment of intelligence/ cognitive ability).
  • Literacy and numeracy, including specific learning difficulties such as Dyslexia and Dyscalculia.
  • Handwriting.
  • Examination access arrangements (e.g. to apply for extra time, a reader or scribe in examinations).
  • Assessment for college or university.

I offer consultation, advice and support in areas such as:

  • Behaviour needs
  • Social and emotional needs, including anxiety and school refusal/ phobia.
  • Social communication needs.
  • Friendships and social skills.
  • Development of cognitive, literacy and numeracy skills.
  • More Able and Talented (MAT) pupils.

My particular area of interest is specific learning difficulties, including Dyslexia, Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) and Dyscalculia.

I am available for Educational Psychologist locum work in LEAs within South Wales and surrounding areas.